مدرسة الشهيد نبيل الدهراوي الإعدادية
أهلا بكم في بيتكم مدرسة الشهيد ترحب بكم
رؤية المدرسة ( اعداد طالب متعلم متميز محب لوطنه ومعلم مواكب لمتغيرات العصر.)

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

مدرسة الشهيد نبيل الدهراوي الإعدادية
أهلا بكم في بيتكم مدرسة الشهيد ترحب بكم
رؤية المدرسة ( اعداد طالب متعلم متميز محب لوطنه ومعلم مواكب لمتغيرات العصر.)
مدرسة الشهيد نبيل الدهراوي الإعدادية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
المواضيع الأخيرة
» نتيجة الصف الثالث الاعدادى
مراجعة للصف الثالث Emptyالإثنين يونيو 08, 2015 12:00 pm من طرف mr.imam

» نتيجة الصف السادس الابتدائى
مراجعة للصف الثالث Emptyالأربعاء مايو 27, 2015 4:16 pm من طرف mr.imam

» رابط صفحة المدرسة علي الفيس بك
مراجعة للصف الثالث Emptyالسبت مارس 21, 2015 5:58 am من طرف ekra77

» نتيجة الشهادة الإعدادية - الترم الاول - 2014_ 2015مدرسة الشهيد نبيل الدهراوى مدرسة الشهيدعبد الحميد غبارة بالمجموع وترتيب الأوائل
مراجعة للصف الثالث Emptyالجمعة فبراير 06, 2015 6:09 am من طرف ekra77

» نتيجة الصف الثالث الاعدادى تيرم اول بالاسم والدرجات والمجموع
مراجعة للصف الثالث Emptyالخميس فبراير 05, 2015 6:54 pm من طرف mr.imam

» نتيجة نصف العام للصفين الأول والثاني الإعدادي 2014_2015
مراجعة للصف الثالث Emptyالسبت يناير 17, 2015 9:02 pm من طرف ekra77

» 69 امتحان لغة عربية للصف الأول الاعدادى الترم الأول 2014
مراجعة للصف الثالث Emptyالخميس ديسمبر 04, 2014 8:41 pm من طرف اسراء محمود

» الاجتماعية
مراجعة للصف الثالث Emptyالسبت يونيو 07, 2014 6:50 pm من طرف زائر

» اختبار تجريبي لغة عربية للصفين الأول والثاني الإعدادي
مراجعة للصف الثالث Emptyالسبت مارس 29, 2014 8:07 am من طرف ekra77

مراجعة للصف الثالث

اذهب الى الأسفل

مراجعة للصف الثالث Empty مراجعة للصف الثالث

مُساهمة من طرف mr.imam الجمعة نوفمبر 22, 2013 2:15 pm

* Finish the following dialogue:
- Soha and Maher are talking about sports.
Maher : What's your favourite sport, Soha?
Soha :………………………………………………
Maher :……………………………………………….
Soha : I play it once a week, in the club near our house. ……………………………...…..?
Maher : I prefer football. It's a very exciting sport.

- Hani meets his friend, Amir, in the street.  
Hani : Good morning, Amir. I see you're in a hurry. ………………………………………?
Amir : Good morning, Hani. I'm going to Hope Hospital.
Hani :……………………………………………………..
Amir : To visit my uncle who was injured in a car accident.
Hani : Could I go with you, Amir?
Amir :…………………………………… That's very kind of you.  

- Samy needs to do some work on the internet, so he asks his father to buy him a computer.
Samy : Would you buy me a computer, please, Dad?
Father :………………………………………………?
Samy : I need to do some work on the internet.
Father : Do you know how to use the internet?
Samy :………………………………………. We use computers at school.
Father : Ok. Tomorrow…………………………………
Samy : Thank you.

* Write what you would say in each of the following situation:
1- You request politely from your sister to make you a sandwich.
2- You suggest going to the cinema on Friday.
3- Your friend has lost his school books and he asks you for advice.
4- You want to tell your brother about your opinion about people who throw rubbish in the street.
5- You meet someone for the first time.
6- One of your friends received a prize in drawing.
7- You apologise to your teacher for coming to school late.
8- A friend requests you to give him/her some money, but you refuse politely.
9- Your cousin wants to borrow your camera and you agree.
10- It is cold and your sister says," Do you mind if I close the window?" You agree.
11- Your brother apologises for losing your CD. Accept the apology.
12- A friend of yours wants to know your opinion about the educational programmes on TV.
13- You greet your teacher in the morning.
14- You suggest going to the zoo with your friends.
15- You would like to borrow your friend’s bicycle.
16- Your sister has lost an expensive necklace.
17- Your brother has become very fat. Advise him.
18- Your sister has lost her watch and she is looking for it.
19- You meet your friend in the street after school at 3 o'clock.
20- Your friend asks you if he could use your pen.
21- Your brother suggests watching a film in the cinema. You agree.
22- Your friend passed an exam.
23- Your father’s new boss is introduced to you.
24- Your brother spilled water on your trousers. You are not angry.
25- Your friend lent you his dictionary and you’ve lost it.
26- You would like to use your friend’s telephone.
27- Your sister has got the best mark in English.
28- Your brother spends much time in front of the computer.
29- You greet your mother before you go to bed.
30- Your friend asks you to lend him your dictionary, but you refuse politely.
31- Your friend suggests playing football, but you're busy.
32- Your friend congratulates you on your success.    
33-Your friend says he is sorry to hear about the accident in which your brother was injured.
34- You meet your English pen-friend at Cairo Airport.
35- Your mother thanks you for helping her.
36- Your friend has broken your camera. You are angry.
37- Your friend says," Do you mind if I use your ruler?" You agree.
38- Your friend suggests watching a film. You give a positive reply.
39- You want to start an interview with the headmaster on the school broadcast.
40- You would like to borrow your friend's dictionary.
41- Your friend suggests going on a picnic. You give a negative reply.
42- Your sister says, "Do you mind if I use your camera?" You disagree.
43- You introduce your friend Hisham to your parents.
44- Your friend apologises for breaking your bike and you accept his apology.

* Read and match:)
1- We’d rather go to the sea   a- playing computer games.
2- Nadia hasn’t b- No, not at all.
3- If I had enough money,   c- when it’s very hot.
4- They are busy d- I'd buy a new bike.  
5- Do you mind if I open the door? e- since last year.
f- done the housework yet.

1- If I were you, a- No, I'm not.
2- "Rude" is b- to travel overseas.
3- Have you ever gone diving? c- I’d see a doctor at once.
4- A century is d- the opposite of "polite".
5- Samir is learning French e- a period of 100 years.
f- No, never.
1- The opposite of "weak" is a- not simple.
2- Do you mind if I borrow your CD? b- I’m fine, thanks.
3- How do you do? c- Certainly. Go ahead.
4- Can I use your pen, please? d- "strong".
5- If something is "complex", it’s e- No, not at all.
f- glorious.
1- Ahmed has been revising maths a- Despite the weather being cold.
2- Nadia has been making a cake. b- Although she isn’t going to Greece.
3- The Ahmeds like living in a city. c- However, she isn’t going to eat it.
4- Soha has been studying Greek d- No, he isn’t.
5- Salma has been playing outside   e- Because he’s got an exam tomorrow.
f- On the other hand, they like visiting the country.

* Reda the following, then answer the questions:
There are fish in seas, rivers and lakes. There are over 30,000 kinds of fish in the world. Their size ranges from 2cm to 20m long. Their fins and tails are used in swimming. Most fish feed on other fish. Some eat plants. Fish are very important food. Since ancient times, man has used lines and nets to catch fish. We also get other products from fish, such as fish oil, glue and shells. Now fishing has become a big industry. Modern ships and fishing equipment are used to catch fish. There are lots of fish farms in many countries today. These provide big amounts of fish for eating and processing.

a) Answer the following questions:
1-Wheredofish live?............................................................................................
2-How big are fish?.............................................................................................
3- What do fish eat?.......................................................................................
b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- There are more than ………………kinds of fish in the world.  
a) three thousand b) thirteen thousand c) thirty thousand d) three hundred
5-The fins and tails of fish help them to ………………
a) eat   b) see c) live d) swim
6- The underlined word "These" refers to ……………….
a) the fish farms   b) the fish c) many countries d) the products

* Reda the following, then answer the questions:
South Africa is a country in the south tip of Africa. There are plains, mountains and deserts in it. Yet, its land is fertile and many crops are grown there. The main crops are cotton, fruits and grains. Seventy-one per cent of the people who live there are Africans. There are also Asians, mostly Indians, and Europeans living there. Well-developed industries include fishing, metals, machinery, chemicals, food processing and clothing. English and Afrikaans are the official languages there. The main exports are metals, especially gold, fruits, sugar and textiles. More than 30 million people live in South Africa. Its area is about 1,220,000km.  

a) Answer the following questions:
1- Where does South Africa lie?....................................................................
2- What are the main crops grown there?.................................................
3- How many official languages are there in South Africa?....................
b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- There are ………..well-developed industries mentioned in the passage.  
a) four b) seven c) six d) five
5-Most people living in South Africa are…………………
a) Indians   b) Africans   c) Europeans   d) Asians
6- The underlined word "main" means the ……………….
a) cheapest   b) most expensive c) best   d) most important  

* Reda the following, then answer the questions:
It was a rainy day in January. The farmers were in their fields. A boy ran towards them shouting for help. He told them that the river was coming up and they were in danger. They didn’t believe him because he was just a little boy. An hour later, the high water in the river came over the land. The farmers then knew that the boy's words were true. They tried to save their fields and houses, but they couldn’t control the water of the river. They had to run away. They were very sad because they lost both their crops and houses. In the afternoon, some engineers came with a number of machines and dug a canal from the river. Some machines were also used to pump the water out of the fields.  

a) Answer the following questions:
1- Why was the boy shouting?......................................................................
2- Which season was it?....................................................................................
3- Why didn’t the farmers believe the boy?............................................
b) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- The engineers came to ……………the village.  
a) water b) take c) save d) farm
5-They were sad because they lost their………………………
a) pumps   b) crops and houses c) children d) machines
6- The underlined word "They" refers to the ……………….
a) fields   b) machines c) engineers d) farmers  

* Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- ……………for me, please. I’ll be back soon.  
a) Look b) Sit c) Wait d) Expect
2- My father has ………….. jobs. His new job is really important.
a) changed b) left c) done d) found
3- If she had gone to the party yesterday, she ……………her old friends.
a) had seen b) would see c) would have seen d) saw
4- When the ship ……………., a lot of people were killed.
a) built b) repaired c) sailed d) sank
5- We’d rather………………the summer holiday in our village.
a) to spend   b) spend c) spending d) spent
6- The children ………………..computer games now.
a) play   b) are playing c) have played d) were playing
7- When I grow up, I ………………..a pilot.
a) have been   b) am c) going to be d) am going to be
8- The brave firemen …………………many people from the fire.
a) spent b) scored c) sent d) saved
9- My uncle ……………….in Aswan for ten years.
a) lives b) is living c) living d) has been living
10- I’m sorry. I …………………my homework yet.
a) don’t finished   b) won’t finish c) haven’t finished d) didn’t finish
11- Students ……………… a lot of interesting activities at school.
a) make b) do c) teach d) say
12- You are very ill. If I were you, I’d …………. A doctor.
a) examine b) see c) know d) help
13- The sun always ……………… in the East.
a) is rising b) will rise c) is going to rise d) rises
14- My aunt is going to ………………to London by plane next Monday.
a) arrive b) go c) come d) travel
15- Ahmed ……………..part in the 1996 Paralympic Games.  
a) played b) took c) did d) made
16- Soha’s uncle …………………to Italy ten days ago.
a) would travel b) travelled c) is travelling d) travelling
17- English is the most important……………….language.
a) public   b) private c) national d) international
18- A…………………is someone who buys things from a shop.
a) scientist b) fisherman c) customer d) driver
19- By the time Dad arrived, Salma …………….all her food.
a) had eaten b) eat c) ate d) eating
20- A ………….. is a piece of metal for people who win in the Olympics.
a) penalty b) race c) medal d) glass
21- If you drop the watch, it …………….into pieces.
a) break b) will break c) broke d) bring
22- My jacket has three big ……………..in the middle.
a) buttons b) button c) bottom d) bullets
23- By the time I was two, I …………….to walk.
a) had learned b) learned c) learn d) learning
24- I visited England last March. I went to America …………..
a) despite b) and c) however d) as well
25- He usually ……………alone.
a) come b) comes c) coming d) is coming
26- They always ………..sweets.
a) like b) likes c) liking d) are liking
27- Sorry, I’d rather you……………….
a) don’t b) haven’t c) didn’t d) aren’t
28- ……………you rather watch a film?
a) Do b) May c) Can d) Would
29- …………….be polite to other people.
a) Never b) Didn’t c) Always d) Doesn’t
30- Ali is a …………………boy.
a) ten years old b) ten-year-old c) ten d) ten years
31- We are very keen ……….visiting the park.
a) with b) for c) at d) on
32- ……………..the party was canceled because of the rain.
a) Lucky b) Luck c) Fortunate d) Unfortunately
33- A ………….is a book in which one writes daily notes.
a) diary b) calender c) notebook d) magazine
34- She spends her free time……………….stories.
a) read b) reads c) reading d) is reading
35- He was busy…………….. a letter.
a) write b) writes c) writing d) is writing
36- He is in Cairo now. He ……………….to Paris.  
a) has been b) has gone c) go d) has travelled
37- Salma ……………….the dishes yet.
a) has washed b) hasn’t washed c) washed d) is washing
38- They have worked in this factory………….10 years.
a) since b) for c) ago d) already
39- What about …………….to the park?
a) go b) goes c) going d) are going
40- He has played tennis………3 hours.
a) since b) for c) ago d) already
41- He has played tennis………3 o'clock.
a) since b) for c) ago d) already
42- I feel like………..out.
a) go b) goes c) going d) are going
43- Dad suggested ………………..dinner at a restaurant.
a) have b) to have c) having d) had
44- Farmers use…………to help crops grow better.
a) fertile b) fertilisers c) seeds d) soil
45- Who paid………..the dinner?
a) at   b) on c) for d) with
46- We built a ……………..across the Nile to control water.
a) dam b) wall c) palace d) castle
47- I bought my car for a good ……………
a) prize b) price c) reward d) money
48- Engineers …………..electronic equipment.
a) do b) make c) design d) pay
49- Kuala Lumpur is the …………….of Malaysia.
a)  village b) harbour c)capital d) continent
50- I …………….the hotel to make a reservation.
a) communicate b) rang c) linked d) wrote
51- He is going to …………….tomorrow.
a) roller-blades b) roller-blade c) roller-blading d) roller-bladed
52- Everything is well arranged. We…………………next week.
a) will travel b) are going to travel c) are travelling d) travelled
53- I hope Ahmed ………………a good job.
a) would get b) will get c) gets d) getting
54- After……………..secondary school, he joined the Faculty of Medicine.
a) had left b) left c) leaving d) leaves
55- ……………she had done the cooking, she washed up.
a) Before b) After c) By the time d) While
56- ……………..the party, he left suddenly.
a) While b) When c) During d) By the time
57- While he ………….. a story, he heard an explosion.
a) has read b) reading c) was reading d) reads
58- If he …………….first in class, he’ll get a prize.
a) come b) comes c) came d) will come
59- Soha …………… a dress if she had money.
a) will buy b) can buy c) would buy d) shall buy
60- If Ramy ………….taller, he’d play basketball.
a) is b) were c) will be d) are
61- They will catch the train if they …………..in time.
a) arrived b) arrives c) arrive d) arriving
62- The ……….soldiers killed the enemy.
a) weak b) cowardly c) afraid d) brave
63- A big number of ……………blocks were used for building the pyramids.
a) stones b) ice c) mud d) earth
64- The dodo is a/an ………….bird.
a) extinct b) living c) alive d) dead
65- You must depend on …………..
a) you b) your c) yourself d) himself
66- If she had got high marks, she …………….the university.
a) will join b) would join c) join d) would have joined
67- If I were you, I ……………them the truth.
a) will tell b) would tell c) would have told d) can tell
68- The player would have scored a goal if he …………………fast.
a) ran b) run c) had run d) runs
69- We use ……………language with family and friends.
a) formal b) informal c) formed d) forming
70- He ………….to ride a horse when he was young.
a) use b) used c) is used d) is using
71- They didn’t ………….to arrive late.
a) use b) used c) is used d) is using
72- She used to …………to bed early.
a) go b) goes c) going d) is going
73- He is used to …………..in the dark.
a) walk b) walks c) walking d) is walking
74- Modern planes have bigger fuel………………
a) boxes b) tanks c) bottles d) kettles
75- Mobile phones have become …………..these days.
a) come b) common c) uncommon d) coming

* Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:

1- He went to hospital because he was very ill.
…………………………………………………………………… (so)
2- Let's go for a walk in the afternoon.
…………………………………………………………………… (Why don’t)
3- They felt sad when they failed the exam.
…………………………………………………………………… (happy)
4- You should do exercise everyday.
…………………………………………………………………… (If)
5- Although he isn’t rich, he’s happy.
…………………………………………………………………… (but)
6- Could I open the window, please?
…………………………………………………………………… (mind)
7- This new bag belongs to me.
…………………………………………………………………… (mine)
8- I think Hala is a polite girl.
…………………………………………………………………… (opinion)
9- Why don’t we play chess?
…………………………………………………………………… (Let's)
10- I advise you to eat few sweets.
…………………………………………………………………… (shouldn’t)
11- They waited for an hour, but he didn’t come.
…………………………………………………………………… (Although)
14- Farmers grow crops.
…………………………………………………………………… (grown)
15- When the doctor arrived, we were trying to save her.
…………………………………………………………………… (while)
16- Ahmed phoned while I was having dinner.
…………………………………………………………………… (when)
17- I’d like to have tea.
…………………………………………………………………… (’d rather)
18- Learning English is very important.
…………………………………………………………………… (It is)
19- He got high marks because he is clever.
…………………………………………………………………… (because of)
20- He has worked with us for 7 years.
…………………………………………………………………… (since)
22- I ate a short time ago.
…………………………………………………………………… (just)
23- She has played tennis since 2005.
…………………………………………………………………… (for)
24- I met my friends while I was on holiday.
…………………………………………………………………… (during)
25- She fell asleep during the film.
…………………………………………………………………… (while)
26- He did his homework. He helped me with mine.
…………………………………………………………………… (In addition to)
27- The thief escaped, then the police looked for him.
…………………………………………………………………… (As soon as)
31- Although he drove fast, he arrived late.
…………………………………………………………………… (However)
33- It was his habit to get up late.
…………………………………………………………………… (used to)

* Read and correct the underlined words:
1- Planes wasn’t as fast as they are today.
2- Three man were injured in the accident.
3- He is going playing tennis in the afternoon.
4- We have a test in our English yesterday.
5- My father drive me to school everyday.
6- Don’t be rude on other people.
7- They were pleased when they lost the match.
8- Would you mind pass the salt, please?
9- If you work hard, you would get a lot of money.
10- You should always be impolite.
11- He’s been in primary school since four years.
12- Today passengers planes have large fuel boxes.
13- He watched TV at the moment.
14- Players who shout at referees am rude.
15- She never eat outdoors.
16- Ali came two in his class.
17- He went dive this morning.
18- They have win the match.
19- They haven’t met each other for 2004.
20- Ali hasn’t arrived already.
21- At the age of sixty, Egyptian workers return.
22- The Omar will go for a walk.
23- October 6th is a glory day.
24- Don’t go out while the rain.
25- I congratulate you in your success.
26- The plane flies at a speed of 3000km every hour.
27- She was can to swim.
28- After the bell ringing, we left the class.
29- While she cleans the room, the door bell rang.
30- By the time having a bath, she had taken exercise.
31- She uses to do the shopping.
32- We see forward to meet her.
33- They like fizzy foods.
34- If she came late, I will punish her.
35- We use bottles to fasten clothes.
36- He apologised on breaking my watch.
37- I’d rather drinking juice.
* Write a paragraph of (5) sentences on: Your School
Guiding points
• Size, buildings, classes, labs, playgrounds
• Subjects learnt
• Headmaster and teachers
• Different activities

* Write an e-mail to your new Italian pen friend, Mario:
• Start the e-mail and ask about your friend's health.
• Tell him that you are coming to Rome with your family on August 10th.
• Ask him to meet you at the airport.
• Tell him how long you are going to stay in Italy.
• Finish the e-mail.
• Your e-mail address is student@finalexam.com


* Write a paragraph of (5) sentences on: Sports

Sports your favourite one
How often  you practice it five days a week
Why it is important make body strong
Where you practise it at school or in club
When you practise it after school and holidays

1-Who was Professor Lidenbrock?

2-Where did Axel live? Why?

3-Why couldn't Lidenbrock read the message?

4- Why did Lidenbrock think the message was written in Latin?

5-What was Arne Saknussemm?

6- How could Axel break the secret code?

7- Why did Axel decide to burn the parchment?

8-What was Sneffels?

9-What did Axel and his uncle prepare for the journey?

10-How did they travel to Copenhagen?

11- How did Dr Fridrikson help Axel and his uncle?

12-What was Axle's terrible dream?

13-How did the farmers (Icelanders) help them?

  14-Which crater would lead to the center of the earth ?

15-Why did Axel feel very tired?

16-Why did Hans cry out?

17- How could the professor calculate their place?

18- Why did Axel feel pain in his ears?

19-What did his uncle advise him to do and why?

20-What happened when Axel turned to speak to his uncle?
B) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1-When Axle's parents had died,.........................

2- Martha...........................................................

3- To make the letters bigger, the professor used..............

4- Axel wanted to give up the journey because..................

5-Sneffels has several craters but......................................

6-The Icelanders were kind people because ..................

7- Sneffels is an ...............................................................

8-Axel and his uncle prepared...........................

9-Axel thought it was impossible to go on this journey as........

10-The professor didn't eat or sleep because....................

11- ArneSaknussemm....................................................

12-Snorri was................................................................

13- The Danish scientist gave the professor and Axel......

14-.Dr Fridrikson was helpful........................................

15-The Icelandic countryside was.................................
16-They camped at............................................................
17- The crater of Sneffels was shaped...........................
18- Scientifically ,the professor thought that..................
19-They went down the chimney .................................
20-The shadow of Scartaris fell on the middle chimney

عدد المساهمات : 61
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/11/2013
العمر : 45
الموقع : ابيار


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