مدرسة الشهيد نبيل الدهراوي الإعدادية
أهلا بكم في بيتكم مدرسة الشهيد ترحب بكم
رؤية المدرسة ( اعداد طالب متعلم متميز محب لوطنه ومعلم مواكب لمتغيرات العصر.)

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

مدرسة الشهيد نبيل الدهراوي الإعدادية
أهلا بكم في بيتكم مدرسة الشهيد ترحب بكم
رؤية المدرسة ( اعداد طالب متعلم متميز محب لوطنه ومعلم مواكب لمتغيرات العصر.)
مدرسة الشهيد نبيل الدهراوي الإعدادية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
المواضيع الأخيرة
» نتيجة الصف الثالث الاعدادى
من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Emptyالإثنين يونيو 08, 2015 12:00 pm من طرف mr.imam

» نتيجة الصف السادس الابتدائى
من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Emptyالأربعاء مايو 27, 2015 4:16 pm من طرف mr.imam

» رابط صفحة المدرسة علي الفيس بك
من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Emptyالسبت مارس 21, 2015 5:58 am من طرف ekra77

» نتيجة الشهادة الإعدادية - الترم الاول - 2014_ 2015مدرسة الشهيد نبيل الدهراوى مدرسة الشهيدعبد الحميد غبارة بالمجموع وترتيب الأوائل
من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Emptyالجمعة فبراير 06, 2015 6:09 am من طرف ekra77

» نتيجة الصف الثالث الاعدادى تيرم اول بالاسم والدرجات والمجموع
من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Emptyالخميس فبراير 05, 2015 6:54 pm من طرف mr.imam

» نتيجة نصف العام للصفين الأول والثاني الإعدادي 2014_2015
من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Emptyالسبت يناير 17, 2015 9:02 pm من طرف ekra77

» 69 امتحان لغة عربية للصف الأول الاعدادى الترم الأول 2014
من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Emptyالخميس ديسمبر 04, 2014 8:41 pm من طرف اسراء محمود

» الاجتماعية
من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Emptyالسبت يونيو 07, 2014 6:50 pm من طرف زائر

» اختبار تجريبي لغة عربية للصفين الأول والثاني الإعدادي
من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Emptyالسبت مارس 29, 2014 8:07 am من طرف ekra77

من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من 50

اذهب الى الأسفل

من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Empty من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من 50

مُساهمة من طرف mr.imam السبت ديسمبر 21, 2013 9:51 pm

[ltr]The Final Revision For Prep2[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]1- Finish the following dialogue:-[/ltr]
[ltr]- Receptionist: What's your nationality, please sir?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Guest: I'm ………………( 1 )…………………… .[/ltr]
[ltr]- Receptionist: What's your …………( 2 )……… number?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Guest: It is 3897352.[/ltr]
[ltr]- Receptionist: What's your ………( 3 )……………. , please?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Guest: 12th April, 1970.[/ltr]
[ltr]- Receptionist: Where were you …………( 4 )……………….?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Guest: In London.[/ltr]
[ltr]2- [/ltr]
[ltr]- Ali: I phoned you last Friday. You ………( 1 )……. at home. Where did you go?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Omar: I ………………( 2 )……………….. a clothes shop.[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ali: What …………( 3 )………..?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Omar: I bought a shirt.[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ali: ………( 4 )………… was it?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Omar: Fifty pounds.[/ltr]
[ltr]3- [/ltr]
[ltr]- Ahmed: What's your job?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ali: I'm …......……( 1 )………..….. .[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ahmed: Where do you work?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ali: In a ……………( 2 )…………… .[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ahmed: Do you ………( 3 )………… your work?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ali: Yes, I enjoy it very much.[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ahmed: What tools ………( 4 )…………?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ali: I use saws, hammers and nails.[/ltr]
[ltr]4- [/ltr]
[ltr]- Hanaa: Where did you go last Friday?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Soha: ………( 1 )……… to the zoo.[/ltr]
[ltr]- Hanaa: How …..……( 2 )…………. you go there?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Soha: I went there …..……( 3 )………. .[/ltr]
[ltr]- Hanaa: .……( 4 )……….. you go with?[/ltr]
[ltr]Soha: With my family.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]- Manal: Are you ……………( 1 ) ………..buy anything, Ayman?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ayman: Yes, I'm going to buy ………………( 2 )………………….[/ltr]
[ltr]- Manal: A toy camel? Why?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ayman: My sister loves playing with toy animals.[/ltr]
[ltr]- Manal: ……………………( 3 )……………………?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ayman: At the toy shop.[/ltr]
[ltr]- Manal: ……………………( 4 )……………………?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ayman: It's in front of the Sphinx.[/ltr]
[ltr]6- [/ltr]
[ltr]- Tarek: What are you doing, Ali?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ali: ……………………( 1 )……………………………..[/ltr]
[ltr]- Tarek: Really? How do you start the letter?[/ltr]
[ltr]-Ali: I start saying " ………( 2 )…………. " and my friend's name.[/ltr]
[ltr]- Tarek: And how do you finish it?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ali: I finish saying …………………( 3 )………………..[/ltr]
[ltr]- Tarek: That's wonderful! …………( 4 )…………………..?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ali: I put the letter in an envelope.[/ltr]
- Tarek: I wish I had a pen friend
[ltr]7- [/ltr]
[ltr]- Ali: What are you doing Samy?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Samy: I'm ……………( 1 )…………………… .[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ali: What's this book about?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Samy: It's about helping …………( 2 )………. to learn.[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ali: Wow! Can deaf people learn?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Samy: Yes, they use a language called ………( 3 )…………[/ltr]
[ltr]- Ali: Ok. Do you like reading different kinds of books?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Samy: ………………( 4 )…………………………[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]8- [/ltr]
[ltr]- Dalia: Welcome to Egypt. ………………( 1 )…………………….?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Tourist: I'm American.[/ltr]
[ltr]-Dalia: When ……………( 2 )…………… in Luxor?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Tourist: Yesterday.[/ltr]
[ltr]- Dalia: What did you like in Luxor?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Tourist: ……………………( 3 )…………………………………… .[/ltr]
[ltr]- Dalia: ……………………………( 4 )………………………………?[/ltr]
[ltr]- Tourist: I will stay in Egypt for two weeks.[/ltr]
[ltr]2- Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogue:-[/ltr]
[ltr] 1- Ali: Where does a scientist work?[/ltr]
[ltr]Soha:……………………………………………………………….. .[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]2- Mona: ……………………………………………………………?[/ltr]
Ahmed: Last year I was in Prep one
[ltr]  3- Ali: What does "evaporation" mean?[/ltr]
[ltr]      Bassm………………………………………………………………… .[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]  4- Omar: ………………………………………………………………..?[/ltr]
Shady: It becomes ice
[ltr]  5- Samy: What do you use these scissors for?[/ltr]
[ltr]   Karam: ………………………………………………… .[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]  6- Adel: ………………………………………………….?[/ltr]
[ltr]  Carpenter: I use the pliers to hold metal.[/ltr]
[ltr]  7- Ahmed: ………………………………………………………….?[/ltr]
 Samy: About a litre of water is evaporating from the pan every minute
[ltr]  8- Ayman: Has he done his homework?[/ltr]
[ltr]       Ramy: ……………………………………… yet.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]  9- Saber: …………………………………………….?[/ltr]
[ltr]       Bola: He's driven his car.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr] 10- Marwa: What does an ice cream taste like?[/ltr]
[ltr]        Noha: ……………………………………………….[/ltr]
[ltr] 11- Samy: ………………………………………………………………?[/ltr]
[ltr]      Amir: I practise sport twice a week.[/ltr]

عدد المساهمات : 61
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/11/2013
العمر : 45
الموقع : ابيار


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Empty رد: من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من 50

مُساهمة من طرف mr.imam السبت ديسمبر 21, 2013 9:52 pm

[ltr]3-1 Read and match:-[/ltr]
[ltr]1- I enjoy[/ltr][ltr]a- got any sisters?[/ltr]
[ltr]2- I'd like[/ltr][ltr]b- website for stories.[/ltr]
[ltr]3- Have you[/ltr][ltr]c- got one sister.[/ltr]
[ltr]4- She designs a [/ltr][ltr]d- playing tennis.[/ltr]
[ltr]5- I have[/ltr][ltr]e- to travel abroad.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr][ltr]f- play tennis.[/ltr]
[ltr]2- [/ltr]
[ltr]1- The sun rises[/ltr][ltr]a- when we hold it on a cold plate.[/ltr]
[ltr]2- Water becomes ice[/ltr][ltr]b- before you go to bed.[/ltr]
[ltr]3- Water vapour condenses[/ltr][ltr]c- when it is frozen.[/ltr]
[ltr]4- You should switch off the light[/ltr][ltr]d- is hot.[/ltr]
[ltr]5- Open the window because it[/ltr][ltr]e- in the east everyday.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr][ltr]f- when it is heated.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]3- [/ltr]
[ltr]1- A neighbour is someone[/ltr][ltr]a- to cut food.[/ltr]
[ltr]2- The car stopped[/ltr][ltr]b- lending my books to anyone.[/ltr]
[ltr]3- Needles are tools[/ltr][ltr]c- who lives next door to you.[/ltr]
[ltr]4- I don't like[/ltr][ltr]d- cutting food.[/ltr]
[ltr]5- We use knives for[/ltr][ltr]e- which we use to sew with.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr][ltr]f- because the engine has something wrong.[/ltr]
[ltr]4- [/ltr]
[ltr]1- Robots will be able to[/ltr][ltr]a- fifty years from now.[/ltr]
[ltr]2- We'll be able to live longer[/ltr][ltr]b- sums very quickly.[/ltr]
[ltr]3- Mona is thirteen now[/ltr][ltr]c- last year.[/ltr]
[ltr]4- Computers can do [/ltr][ltr]d- help us in our homes.[/ltr]
[ltr]5- Ali always plays[/ltr][ltr]e- next year she'll be fourteen.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr][ltr]f- football in the club.[/ltr]
[ltr]5- [/ltr]
[ltr]1- The farmer bought[/ltr][ltr]a- an egg everyday.[/ltr]
[ltr]2- The hen laid[/ltr][ltr]b- when he fell down.[/ltr]
[ltr]3- Soha has never[/ltr][ltr]c- She is unmarried. [/ltr]
[ltr]4- She has no husband.[/ltr][ltr]d- a hen from the market.[/ltr]
[ltr]5- Ali was cycling to school[/ltr][ltr]e- a wife.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr][ltr]f- driven a tractor.[/ltr]
[ltr]6- [/ltr]
[ltr]1- He went to the ticket office[/ltr][ltr]a- and saw lots of treasures.[/ltr]
[ltr]2- He visited the museum[/ltr][ltr]b- in a well-known restaurant.[/ltr]
[ltr]3- I had my lunch[/ltr][ltr]c- and took the train.[/ltr]
[ltr]4- As soon as he gets to the train station[/ltr][ltr]d- to reserve a ticket.[/ltr]
[ltr]5- He went to the train station[/ltr][ltr]e- he is going to meet some tourists.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr][ltr]f- and took the plane.[/ltr]
[ltr]7- [/ltr]
[ltr]1- The website is for people[/ltr][ltr]a- Hesham left the cinema early.[/ltr]
[ltr]2- Please, be careful with[/ltr][ltr]b- letters to Ann.[/ltr]
[ltr]3- The film was boring, so [/ltr][ltr]c- other people laugh.[/ltr]
[ltr]4- Soha would prefer to send[/ltr][ltr]d- all over the world.[/ltr]
[ltr]5- Sally is funny and makes[/ltr][ltr]e- the glass.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr][ltr]f- is interesting.[/ltr]
[ltr]8- [/ltr]
[ltr]1- They are going to[/ltr][ltr]a- spelling words with her fingers.[/ltr]
[ltr]2- We can see[/ltr][ltr]b- very sharp.[/ltr]
[ltr]3- This table[/ltr][ltr]c- with our eyes.[/ltr]
[ltr]4- A knife feels[/ltr][ltr]d- learn sign language.[/ltr]
[ltr]5- She's very good at[/ltr][ltr]e- feels smooth.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr][ltr]f- feels sweet.[/ltr]
[ltr]9- [/ltr]
[ltr]1- He has been playing the chess[/ltr][ltr]a- be able to live on the moon.[/ltr]
[ltr]2- My uncle lived here[/ltr][ltr]b- a cup of tea.[/ltr]
[ltr]3- Nada has been[/ltr][ltr]c- for 7 years.[/ltr]
[ltr]4- I'd like to have[/ltr][ltr]d- since 5 o'clock.[/ltr]
[ltr]5- In the future we will[/ltr][ltr]e- working on her computer.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr][ltr]f- makes delicious cakes. [/ltr]
[ltr]10- [/ltr]
[ltr]1- Will you go[/ltr][ltr]a- on the radio.[/ltr]
[ltr]2- Turn off the gas[/ltr][ltr]b- you might cut yourself.[/ltr]
[ltr]3- We listened to the news[/ltr][ltr]c- of sleep.[/ltr]
[ltr]4- Never play with knives or[/ltr][ltr]d- before you go out.[/ltr]
[ltr]5- Wake up is the opposite [/ltr][ltr]e- swimming next week.?[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr][ltr]f- of get up.[/ltr]
[ltr]11- [/ltr]
[ltr]1- If you eat much ice cream,[/ltr][ltr]a- fewer sweets.[/ltr]
[ltr]2- How long have you[/ltr][ltr]b- You should take exercises.[/ltr]
[ltr]3- Nabil should eat[/ltr][ltr]c- you'll soon feel hungry.[/ltr]
[ltr]4- If you lose energy,[/ltr][ltr]d- three years ago.[/ltr]
[ltr]5- What should I do?[/ltr][ltr]e- you'll put on weight.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr][ltr]f- been learning English?[/ltr]

عدد المساهمات : 61
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/11/2013
العمر : 45
الموقع : ابيار


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Empty رد: من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من 50

مُساهمة من طرف mr.imam السبت ديسمبر 21, 2013 9:54 pm

[ltr]4- Choose the correct answer from a,b,c or d:- [/ltr]
[ltr] 1- This website gives a lot of ……………. about Egypt.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) information[/ltr][ltr]b) place[/ltr][ltr]c) form[/ltr][ltr]d) farm[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]2- Where ……………… you born?[/ltr]
[ltr]a) are[/ltr][ltr]b) were[/ltr][ltr]c) did[/ltr][ltr]d) was[/ltr]
[ltr] 3- I enjoy ………………… tennis.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) play[/ltr][ltr]b) played[/ltr][ltr]c) playing[/ltr][ltr]d) plays[/ltr]
[ltr] 4- I'm …………….. in science.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) interest[/ltr][ltr]b) interests[/ltr][ltr]c) interested[/ltr][ltr]d) interesting[/ltr]
[ltr] 5- The …………… does experiments in the laboratory.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) science[/ltr][ltr]b) scientist[/ltr][ltr]c) artist[/ltr][ltr]d) mechanic[/ltr]
[ltr] 6- Have you got ………………. brothers?[/ltr]
[ltr]a) some[/ltr][ltr]b) much[/ltr][ltr]c) any[/ltr][ltr]d) a[/ltr]
[ltr] 7- Water becomes …………… when you boil it.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) steam[/ltr][ltr]b) ice[/ltr][ltr]c) cold[/ltr][ltr]d) hot[/ltr]
[ltr] 8- I look up the meaning of words in ………………….[/ltr]
[ltr]a) map[/ltr][ltr]b) dictionary[/ltr][ltr]c) book[/ltr][ltr]d) notebook[/ltr]
[ltr]9- There are a lot of clouds in the sky, ………… it is not raining.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) and[/ltr][ltr]b) but[/ltr][ltr]c) so[/ltr][ltr]d) the[/ltr]
[ltr]10- Ali is late ………………… he is taking a taxi.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) because[/ltr][ltr]b) so[/ltr][ltr]c) but [/ltr][ltr]d) and[/ltr]
[ltr]11- I want to buy a car, ………… I don't have enough money.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) because[/ltr][ltr]b) so[/ltr][ltr]c) but [/ltr][ltr]d) and[/ltr]
[ltr]12- Mona ………………….. now.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) is not working[/ltr][ltr]b) don't work[/ltr][ltr]c) doesn't work[/ltr][ltr]d) didn't work[/ltr]
[ltr]13- To …………….. means to turn vapour into water.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) condense[/ltr][ltr]b) evaporate[/ltr][ltr]c) boil[/ltr][ltr]d) cool[/ltr]
[ltr]14- A scientist always ……………….. experiments.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) makes[/ltr][ltr]b) does[/ltr][ltr]c) have[/ltr][ltr]d) has[/ltr]
[ltr]15- You should ……………..  everyday.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) study[/ltr][ltr]b) studies[/ltr][ltr]c) studying[/ltr][ltr]d) studied[/ltr]
[ltr]16- When you boil water, some …………………. into steam.][/ltr]
[ltr]a) turn[/ltr][ltr]b) turns[/ltr][ltr]c) turned[/ltr][ltr]d) turning[/ltr]
[ltr]17- A science lab is a place …………… we do experiments.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) who[/ltr][ltr]b) which[/ltr][ltr]c) where[/ltr][ltr]d) when[/ltr]
[ltr]18- …………….. are used to hold or cut metal.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) Saws[/ltr][ltr]b) Scissors[/ltr][ltr]c) Pliers[/ltr][ltr]d) Knives[/ltr]
[ltr]19- This knife is dangerous because its…………… is sharp.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) blade[/ltr][ltr]b) handle[/ltr][ltr]c) roof[/ltr][ltr]d) ground[/ltr]
[ltr]20- Dr. Hussein went on foot to the clinic……….. was a kilometer from the hospital.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) Who[/ltr][ltr]b) which[/ltr][ltr]c) where[/ltr][ltr]d) whose[/ltr]
[ltr]21- Scissors are made ……………… metal.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) of[/ltr][ltr]b) from[/ltr][ltr]c) to[/ltr][ltr]d) with[/ltr]
[ltr]22- We use nails to ……….. pieces of wood together.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) eat[/ltr][ltr]b) cut[/ltr][ltr]c) move[/ltr][ltr]d) fix[/ltr]
[ltr]23- Can I ………………… your book, please?[/ltr]
[ltr]a) lend[/ltr][ltr]b) borrow[/ltr][ltr]c) make[/ltr][ltr]d) write[/ltr]
[ltr]24- A …………….. has got a hole through the end.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) scissors[/ltr][ltr]b) saw[/ltr][ltr]c) drill[/ltr][ltr]d) needle[/ltr]
[ltr]25- There was a policeman …………. here when the accident happened.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) stand[/ltr][ltr]b) standing[/ltr][ltr]c) stood[/ltr][ltr]d) stands[/ltr]
[ltr]26- I was watching a ……………… about a lion.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) cartoon[/ltr][ltr]b) balloon[/ltr][ltr]c) telephone[/ltr][ltr]d) carton[/ltr]
[ltr]27- Two women ……………… when the lorry arrived.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) shop[/ltr][ltr]b) shopping[/ltr][ltr]c) was shopping[/ltr][ltr]d) were shopping[/ltr]
[ltr]28- Ashraf ……………. while he was watching TV.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) sleeping[/ltr][ltr]b) sleeps[/ltr][ltr]c) sleep[/ltr][ltr]d) slept[/ltr]
[ltr]29- I …………….. to Port Said last summer holiday.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) go[/ltr][ltr]b) went [/ltr][ltr]c) going [/ltr][ltr]d) goes[/ltr]
[ltr]30- When it got dark, the boy was very ……………….. .[/ltr]
[ltr]a) happy[/ltr][ltr]b) frightened[/ltr][ltr]c) fine [/ltr][ltr]d) hungry[/ltr]
[ltr]31- I ……………… ill, so I took some medicine.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) felt [/ltr][ltr]b) feel[/ltr][ltr]c) feeling[/ltr][ltr]d) feels[/ltr]
[ltr]32- The …………….. helps people on the plane.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) tourist guide[/ltr][ltr]b) doctor[/ltr][ltr]c) nurse[/ltr][ltr]d) flight attendant[/ltr]
[ltr]33- …………….. my instructions and you will understand what to do.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) Go[/ltr][ltr]b) Follow[/ltr][ltr]c) Walk[/ltr][ltr]d) Forget[/ltr]
[ltr]34- Computers will probably ……………… cheaper in fifty years.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) is[/ltr][ltr]b) been[/ltr][ltr]c) be[/ltr][ltr]d) was[/ltr]
[ltr]35- …………... are instructions which tell computers what to do.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) Radios[/ltr][ltr]b) Programs [/ltr][ltr]c) Files[/ltr][ltr]d) TVs[/ltr]
[ltr]36- I will help you with ………………… homework.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) you[/ltr][ltr]b) yours[/ltr][ltr]c) your[/ltr][ltr]d) mine[/ltr]
[ltr]37- Computers can store lots of ……………………. .[/ltr]
[ltr]a) money[/ltr][ltr]b) information[/ltr][ltr]c) informations[/ltr][ltr]d) people[/ltr]
[ltr]38- Computers can ………………. difficult sums accurately.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) make[/ltr][ltr]b) work[/ltr][ltr]c) do[/ltr][ltr]d) answer[/ltr]
[ltr]39- Computers have made our life …………………….. .[/ltr]
[ltr]a) easiest[/ltr][ltr]b) easier[/ltr][ltr]c) cheaper[/ltr][ltr]d) easy[/ltr]
[ltr]40- Doctors can examine their patient ……………using computers .[/ltr]
[ltr]a) with[/ltr][ltr]b) by[/ltr][ltr]c) on [/ltr][ltr]d) in[/ltr]
[ltr]41- I …………….. my homework. Now I can go out.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) make[/ltr][ltr]b) have finished[/ltr][ltr]c) finish[/ltr][ltr]d) finishing[/ltr]
[ltr]42- I ………………. football yesterday evening.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) plays[/ltr][ltr]b) play[/ltr][ltr]c) have played[/ltr][ltr]d) played[/ltr]

عدد المساهمات : 61
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/11/2013
العمر : 45
الموقع : ابيار


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Empty رد: من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من 50

مُساهمة من طرف mr.imam السبت ديسمبر 21, 2013 9:55 pm

[ltr]43- Salma …………….. how to use a computer very well yet.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) learns[/ltr][ltr]b) doesn't learn[/ltr][ltr]c) has learnt[/ltr][ltr]d) hasn't learnt[/ltr]
[ltr]44- She hasn't eaten the salad, ……………… she?[/ltr]
[ltr]a) doesn't [/ltr][ltr]b) hasn't[/ltr][ltr]c) has[/ltr][ltr]d) isn't[/ltr]
[ltr]45- We ………………… goats to get milk and meat.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) take[/ltr][ltr]b) grow[/ltr][ltr]c) keep[/ltr][ltr]d) has[/ltr]
[ltr]46- We get flour ………………….. wheat.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) in[/ltr][ltr]b) from[/ltr][ltr]c) with[/ltr][ltr]d) by[/ltr]
[ltr]47- That's not yours, …………………. it?[/ltr]
[ltr]a) is[/ltr][ltr]b) has[/ltr][ltr]c) hasn't [/ltr][ltr]d) does[/ltr]
[ltr]48- Amal didn't have time to do her work, ………………. she?[/ltr]
[ltr]a) haven't [/ltr][ltr]b) did[/ltr][ltr]c) have[/ltr][ltr]d) hasn't[/ltr]
[ltr]49- The Pyramids were built as ………………… to bury kings.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) houses[/ltr][ltr]b) places[/ltr][ltr]c) tombs[/ltr][ltr]d) rooms[/ltr]
[ltr]50- The people who worked for kings were called ……………….. .[/ltr]
[ltr]a) snakes[/ltr][ltr]b) stairs[/ltr][ltr]c) stones[/ltr][ltr]d) slaves[/ltr]
[ltr]51- The bag is too heavy, I can't ……………… it.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) left[/ltr][ltr]b) lift[/ltr][ltr]c) shut[/ltr][ltr]d) open [/ltr]
[ltr]52- The soldiers are going to close the ……………… of the Pyramids.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) entrance[/ltr][ltr]b) enters[/ltr][ltr]c) enter[/ltr][ltr]d) entered[/ltr]
[ltr]53- …………… I see her, I'm going to tell her about the prize.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) As[/ltr][ltr]b) Soon[/ltr][ltr]c) As soon as[/ltr][ltr]d) So[/ltr]
[ltr]54- Two million stones ……………… to make the Great Pyramid.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) were used[/ltr][ltr]b) were using[/ltr][ltr]c) used[/ltr][ltr]d) are used[/ltr]
[ltr]55- What are they going to do when he ……………….. back?[/ltr]
[ltr]a) will come[/ltr][ltr]b) comes[/ltr][ltr]c) is coming[/ltr][ltr]d) came[/ltr]
[ltr]56- Are you going to buy …………………………..?[/ltr]
[ltr]a) something[/ltr][ltr]b) anything[/ltr][ltr]c) nothing[/ltr][ltr]d) some[/ltr]
[ltr]57- What …………….. would you like to write in? [/ltr]
[ltr]a) kind[/ltr][ltr]b) country[/ltr][ltr]c) name[/ltr][ltr]d) language[/ltr]
[ltr]58- The ……………… used for a single woman is Ms.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) abbreviate[/ltr][ltr]b) abbreviation[/ltr][ltr]c) abbreviated[/ltr][ltr]d) abbreviates[/ltr]
[ltr]59- Prep is ……………………… preparatory.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) long for[/ltr][ltr]b) short for[/ltr][ltr]c) meaning of[/ltr][ltr]d) note for[/ltr]
[ltr]60- Sahar doesn't mind …………….. to the cinema tonight.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) going[/ltr][ltr]b) to go[/ltr][ltr]c) goes[/ltr][ltr]d) went[/ltr]
[ltr]61- My brother is …………………. in football.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) interests[/ltr][ltr]b) interested[/ltr][ltr]c) interesting[/ltr][ltr]d) interest[/ltr]
[ltr]62- To join the club, you'll have to fill in this ……………………… .[/ltr]
[ltr]a) farm[/ltr][ltr]b) firm[/ltr][ltr]c) form[/ltr][ltr]d) from[/ltr]
[ltr]63- John's nationality is ………………………. .[/ltr]
[ltr]a) Britain[/ltr][ltr]b) England[/ltr][ltr]c) English[/ltr][ltr]d) France[/ltr]
[ltr]64- Hatem really enjoys ……………… chicken for lunch.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) to eat[/ltr][ltr]b) eat[/ltr][ltr]c) eating[/ltr][ltr]d) eats[/ltr]
[ltr]65- Cakes are made by ………… flour and water.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) mix[/ltr][ltr]b) mixed[/ltr][ltr]c) mixing[/ltr][ltr]d) mixes[/ltr]
[ltr]66- He is ……………….., he can't hear.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) deaf[/ltr][ltr]b) dumb[/ltr][ltr]c) blind[/ltr][ltr]d) ill[/ltr]
[ltr]67- Andy can't speak ………………… hear.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) or[/ltr][ltr]b) and[/ltr][ltr]c) but[/ltr][ltr]d) so[/ltr]
[ltr]68- Taha Hussein …………….. blind when he was young.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) gone[/ltr][ltr]b) went[/ltr][ltr]c) had[/ltr][ltr]d) made[/ltr]
[ltr]69- The road is so …………………. . I can ride my bike easily.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) rough[/ltr][ltr]b) hard[/ltr][ltr]c) smooth[/ltr][ltr]d) horrible[/ltr]
[ltr]71- ……………. he is rich, he is unhappy.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) But[/ltr][ltr]b) Although[/ltr][ltr]c) So[/ltr][ltr]d) When[/ltr]
[ltr]72- The first school for the blind was ………………… in 1771.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) opened[/ltr][ltr]b) open[/ltr][ltr]c) opening[/ltr][ltr]d) opens[/ltr]
[ltr]73- I couldn't read because there was no …………………. .[/ltr]
[ltr]a) light[/ltr][ltr]b) right[/ltr][ltr]c) site[/ltr][ltr]d) night[/ltr]
[ltr]74- The chess is my favourite ……………………… .[/ltr]
[ltr]a) subject[/ltr][ltr]b) hobby[/ltr][ltr]c) sport[/ltr][ltr]d) work[/ltr]
[ltr]75- The scientist is ……………….. his experiment.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) making[/ltr][ltr]b) doing[/ltr][ltr]c) having[/ltr][ltr]d) wearing[/ltr]
[ltr]76- He is going to …………………… for his test.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) revise[/ltr][ltr]b) teach[/ltr][ltr]c) paint[/ltr][ltr]d) take[/ltr]
[ltr]77- He has been waiting for me …………………. an hour.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) for[/ltr][ltr]b) since[/ltr][ltr]c) ago[/ltr][ltr]d) when[/ltr]
[ltr]78- ……………….. have you been playing football?[/ltr]
[ltr]a) How long[/ltr][ltr]b) How many[/ltr][ltr]c) How much[/ltr][ltr]d) How old[/ltr]
[ltr]79- Ann has been living in Giza …………….. 2002.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) for[/ltr][ltr]b) since[/ltr][ltr]c) ago[/ltr][ltr]d) when[/ltr]
[ltr]80- ……………….. been working?[/ltr]
[ltr]a) Have she[/ltr][ltr]b) Has she[/ltr][ltr]c) Did she[/ltr][ltr]d) Were she[/ltr]
[ltr]81- I have been ………………… English for 10 years.[/ltr]
[ltr]a)learn[/ltr][ltr]b) learned[/ltr][ltr]c) learning[/ltr][ltr]d) learns[/ltr]
[ltr]82- ……………….. he is rich. He is unhappy.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) Because[/ltr][ltr]b) Although[/ltr][ltr]c) As[/ltr][ltr]d) When[/ltr]
[ltr]83- I ……………… him to study well.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) advice[/ltr][ltr]b) give[/ltr][ltr]c) add[/ltr][ltr]d) advise[/ltr]
[ltr]84- When I go to bed, I turn …………….. the light.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) of[/ltr][ltr]b) off[/ltr][ltr]c) out[/ltr][ltr]d) on[/ltr]
[ltr]85- My bag ………………… in the club.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) lost[/ltr][ltr]b) was losing[/ltr][ltr]c) was lost[/ltr][ltr]d) has lost[/ltr]
[ltr]86- The wind ………………. stronger and stronger.[/ltr]
[ltr]a) blew[/ltr][ltr]b) waved[/ltr][ltr]c) moved[/ltr][ltr]d) stayed[/ltr]

عدد المساهمات : 61
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/11/2013
العمر : 45
الموقع : ابيار


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Empty رد: من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من 50

مُساهمة من طرف mr.imam السبت ديسمبر 21, 2013 9:56 pm

[ltr]5- A Write questions using the words in brackets:-[/ltr]
[ltr]1- Sales assistants work in shops.                         ( Where )[/ltr]
[ltr]2- A "TV" reporter talks to different sorts of people.              ( What )[/ltr]
[ltr]3- I'm a student in Hossam El Deen School.                 ( Who )[/ltr]
[ltr]4- We can use old newspapers to clean the window glass.          ( What )[/ltr]
[ltr]5- Water vapour is light, so it rises into the air.           ( Why )[/ltr]
[ltr]6- When some drops freeze, they change into ice.        ( What happen )[/ltr]
[ltr]7- A saw is used to cut wood.                 ( What )[/ltr]
[ltr]………………………………………………………………………………. .[/ltr]
[ltr]8- Seif lent Magdy some tools.               ( Who )[/ltr]
[ltr]………………………………………………………………………………. .[/ltr]
[ltr]9- We use pliers to cut or hold metal.   ( Why )[/ltr]
[ltr]10- Doctors look after patients in hospitals.              ( Who ) [/ltr]
[ltr]11- I was having an Arabic lesson at 10.                    ( What )[/ltr]
[ltr]12- Diana was feeling hotter.                                       ( How )[/ltr]
[ltr]13- The butcher was cutting meat when he saw the man.           ( What )[/ltr]
[ltr]14- A circus lorry was driving into a small town.                      ( Where )[/ltr]
[ltr]15- There'll be more computers in fifty years.                            ( When )[/ltr]
[ltr]16- He was excited because he saw an amazing statue.                 ( Why )[/ltr]
[ltr]17- She visits her uncle twice a week.                                    ( How often )[/ltr]
[ltr]18- No, she has never cooked rice.                                                ( Has )[/ltr]
[ltr]19- Abu Simbel Temple was built for Ramses II.                ( Who )[/ltr]
[ltr]20- The king's boat is going to arrive in ten minutes.         ( When )[/ltr]
[ltr]21- Samy is invited to a big party.                                         ( What )[/ltr]
[ltr]22- I'm interested in computers.                           ( What )[/ltr]
[ltr]…………………………………………………………………………….. .[/ltr]
[ltr]23- I have got  three sisters .                                 ( How many )[/ltr]
[ltr]24- I'd prefer to send e-mails.                               ( Would )[/ltr]
[ltr]25- The food you cooked tasted delicious.                  ( How )[/ltr]
[ltr]26- In 1922, he was injured.                                        ( When ) [/ltr]
[ltr]27- Glass feels smooth.                                                 ( How )[/ltr]
[ltr]28- No, they haven't been working.                              ( Have )[/ltr]
[ltr]29- He's been working for 6 hours.                             ( How long )[/ltr]
[ltr]30- He's been reading a book.                                      ( What )[/ltr]
[ltr]31- He turns off all the light before he leaves.                       ( When )[/ltr]
[ltr]32- I can't drive to Alexandria because my car has broken down.( Why [/ltr]
[ltr]33- No, she couldn't finish her homework.                           ( Could )[/ltr]
[ltr]34- A fitness trainer helps people keep fit.                  ( Who )[/ltr]
[ltr]………………………………………………………………………….. .[/ltr]
[ltr]35- I've been waiting for you for two hours.               ( How long )[/ltr]
[ltr]…………………………………………………………………………… [/ltr]
[ltr]36- I stopped playing because I was injured.              ( Why )[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]B- Re-arrange the following words to make correct sentences:-[/ltr]
[ltr]1.     lots – manager – of – A hotel – people – meets.[/ltr]
[ltr]2.     policeman – A – thieves – arrests .[/ltr]
[ltr]3.     looks after – nurse – A – people – sick .[/ltr]
[ltr]4.     do – lab – the – We – science – in – experiments .[/ltr]
[ltr]5.     studying – We – English – now – are.[/ltr]
[ltr]6.     water – rises – When – vapour – condenses – it – the sky – into.[/ltr]
[ltr]7.     got – handles – Knives – sharp – have – metal – wooden – and – blades.[/ltr]
[ltr]8.     used – sew – A needle – clothes – with – is – to.[/ltr]
[ltr]9.     like – because – People – him – helpful – is – he.[/ltr]
[ltr]10.            because – fire – The girl – the house – was – shouted – on.[/ltr]
[ltr]11.            frightened – dream – He – bad – was – he – a – because – had.[/ltr]
[ltr]12.            into – There – circus – coming – was – a – lorry – the town.[/ltr]
[ltr]13.            future – think –– be – the – How – do – in – you – computers – will?[/ltr]
[ltr]14.            travel – be – We'll – easily – able – more – overseas – to.[/ltr]
[ltr]15.            , please – vegetables – the – cook – you – Will?[/ltr]
[ltr]16.            used – a saw – Have – ever – you – a hammer – and?[/ltr]
[ltr]17.            keep – get – We – meat – goats – and – milk – to.[/ltr]
[ltr]18.            killed – all – The farmer – to get – hens – his – eggs – gold.[/ltr]
[ltr]19.            ceremony – A reporter – going to – us – tell – is – about – the.[/ltr]
[ltr]20.            Samy – What's – do – to – when – home – he – gets – going?[/ltr]
[ltr]21.            reserve – can – office – a ticket – the – at – You – tickets.[/ltr]
[ltr]22.            boring – The film – Hesham – cinema - , so – the – left – early – was.[/ltr]
[ltr]23.            abbreviation – " Maths " – written – mathematics – the – is – for.[/ltr]
[ltr]24.            don't – free – pay – have – You – it's – any – because – to – money.[/ltr]
[ltr]25.            name – by – is – Braille's – his – known – system.[/ltr]
[ltr]26.            people – can – to read – learn – write – Deaf – and.[/ltr]
[ltr]27.            like – apples – I – because – taste – they – sweet.[/ltr]
[ltr]28.            holding – to – plants – the – water – She's – the pan.[/ltr]
[ltr]29.            has – a picnic – The family – having – been – the – park – in .[/ltr]
[ltr]30.            How long – you – been – have – stamps – collecting?[/ltr]
[ltr]31.            –because – slept – tired – We – we – very – were .[/ltr]
[ltr]……………………………………………………………………………… [/ltr]
[ltr]32.            your – safely – home – bring – brother – should – You.[/ltr]
[ltr]……………………………………………..……………………………….. [/ltr]
[ltr]33.            play – you – with – you – cut – a knife – yourself –If – might.[/ltr]
[ltr]34.            Ahmed – watch – less – I – TV – think – should.[/ltr]
[ltr]35.            you – walking – Have – to – recently – school – been?[/ltr]
[ltr]36.      long – Adel – working – a – been – How – has – trainer – as?[/ltr]

عدد المساهمات : 61
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/11/2013
العمر : 45
الموقع : ابيار


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Empty رد: من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من 50

مُساهمة من طرف mr.imam السبت ديسمبر 21, 2013 9:57 pm

[ltr]6- Read and correct the underlined words:-[/ltr]
[ltr]1- I enjoy play football.[/ltr]
[ltr]2- You should study good.[/ltr]
[ltr]………………………………………………………………………………3- A doctor looks after his visitors.[/ltr]
[ltr]4- I'd like listen to music.[/ltr]
[ltr]5- I put a piece of snow in the water to cool it.[/ltr]
[ltr]……………………………………………………………………………… [/ltr]
[ltr]6- We add the two sentences to form one.[/ltr]
[ltr]7- It rains when it is sunny.[/ltr]
[ltr]……………………………………………………………………………… [/ltr]
[ltr]8- I'm interested on playing computer games.[/ltr]
[ltr]9- A nail is used to cut wood.[/ltr]
[ltr]…………………………………………………………………………………. .[/ltr]
[ltr]10- Hala doesn't like uses knives.[/ltr]
[ltr]…………………………………………………………………………………. .[/ltr]
[ltr]11- The man which helped me is a doctor.[/ltr]
[ltr]…………………………………………………………………………………. .[/ltr]
[ltr]12- Luxor is a city who we can visit lots of temples.[/ltr]
[ltr]13- He was reading when he was sleeping.[/ltr]
[ltr]………………………………………………………………………………14- The butcher was cutting meat while he saw the man.[/ltr]
[ltr]15- Hany was worry when his father didn't come.[/ltr]
[ltr]16- Don't speak loud! I can hear you.[/ltr]
[ltr]17- Computers were inventing a long time ago.[/ltr]
[ltr]18- A computer can do difficult sums accurate.[/ltr]
[ltr]19- Are you kindly help me?[/ltr]
[ltr]20- Thank you to your help.[/ltr]
[ltr]21- The hen lies eggs.[/ltr]
[ltr]22- He makes sheep and cows.[/ltr]
[ltr]23- A tractor is a tool.[/ltr]
[ltr]24- Wool is made of plant hair. [/ltr]
[ltr]25- As soon as he arriving, he's going to have a drink.[/ltr]
[ltr]26- He is gone to visit me next week.[/ltr]
[ltr]27- The news are wonderful.[/ltr]
[ltr]28- He had two millions pounds.[/ltr]
[ltr]29- I would like eat cheese.[/ltr]
[ltr]30- I don't mind to write in ink.[/ltr]
[ltr]31- He is rude, he always says please and thank you.[/ltr]
[ltr]32- Swim is my favourite hobby.[/ltr]
[ltr]33- He injured an accident.[/ltr]
[ltr]34- We listened in the radio.[/ltr]
[ltr]35- What does this song feel like?[/ltr]
[ltr]36- Windows are made by glass.[/ltr]
[ltr]37- She's been driving since 2 hours.[/ltr]
[ltr]38- He has been work all night.[/ltr]
[ltr]39- The ship flew to Port Said.[/ltr]
[ltr]40- They practice a lot.[/ltr]
[ltr]41- In the first day, I didn't swim.[/ltr]
[ltr]42- The news were good.[/ltr]
[ltr]43- She slept the tea on the floor.[/ltr]
[ltr]44- Mother makes shopping everyday.[/ltr]
[ltr]45- How many have you been working as a doctor?[/ltr]
[ltr]46- Fatma has been putting for some weight.[/ltr]
[ltr]47- You should eat less sweets.[/ltr]
[ltr]48- Vegetables have more calories than meat.[/ltr]

عدد المساهمات : 61
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/11/2013
العمر : 45
الموقع : ابيار


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Empty رد: من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من 50

مُساهمة من طرف mr.imam السبت ديسمبر 21, 2013 9:57 pm

7- Look at the picture and write a paragraph of four (4) sentences. (The words in the box may help you.)
       (keep -  grow – to get )
[ltr]            [/ltr]
[ltr]من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Clip_image002من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Clip_image004Farmers keep hens to get eggs. They keep cows to get milk and meat. They keep sheep to get wool and meat. They grow wheat to get flour.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Clip_image006من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Clip_image008[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]     2- Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of       sentences:[/ltr]
[ltr](The words in the box may help you.)    (A carpenter )[/ltr]
[ltr]                    (hammer – nails – pliers – saw)[/ltr]
[ltr]من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Clip_image010 The carpenter uses a lot of tools. He [/ltr]
[ltr]uses a hammer to get nails into wood. [/ltr]
[ltr]He uses nails to join wood together.[/ltr]
[ltr]He uses pliers to cut or hold metal.[/ltr]
[ltr]He uses a saw to cut wood.[/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]    [/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr] [/ltr]
[ltr]3- Look at the picture and write a short paragraph of  sentences:[/ltr]
[ltr]              (The words in the box may help you.)[/ltr]
[ltr]      (information – accurately – doctors – invent) [/ltr]
[ltr]من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Clip_image012[/ltr]
[ltr]               Computers can store information. They do[/ltr]
[ltr]sums accurately. Doctors use computers to look inside their patient's body. Computers are the most important inventions.[/ltr]
4. Look at the picture and write a paragraph of four sentences o
من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Clip_image014"The work of a doctor":
"I work as a doctor in a hospital"
Guiding words
-Look after                           - patient
-medicine                               -injured
[ltr]  I look after patients. I give them medicine. I help injured people. I help whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh                              people who have accidents.[/ltr]
5-Look at the picture and write a paragraph of four sentences on
"An accident":
-Adel   was   playing   football yesterday.
من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Clip_image016Guiding words:
[ltr]- fall. - break leg. - ambulance. - hospital. - doctor.[/ltr]
[ltr]He fell off while he was playing. He broke [/ltr]
his leg. The ambulance took him to hospital. The doctor helped him
[ltr]8-Punctuate the following two sentences:-[/ltr]
[ltr]1- can i have drink as I m thirsty/[/ltr]
[ltr]2- ali lives in cairo/[/ltr]
[ltr]3- when people swim they don t get dry/[/ltr]
[ltr]4- where do soha and hany work/[/ltr]
[ltr]5-why didn t he clean the boats/[/ltr]

عدد المساهمات : 61
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/11/2013
العمر : 45
الموقع : ابيار


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من  50 Empty رد: من يجاوب على هذه الاسئلة يضمن 50 من 50

مُساهمة من طرف mr.imam السبت ديسمبر 21, 2013 10:00 pm

التركيز + الدقة + المراجعة + الخط الجيد = التفوق
Good luck

عدد المساهمات : 61
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/11/2013
العمر : 45
الموقع : ابيار


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:
لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى